Testimonies for the Church Volume 5   (3)
The injunction of the Captain of their salvation was, “Take ye heed, watch and pray,” “lest ye enter into temptation;”(Mark 13:33) but it was too much trouble to faithfully guard the soul, and the deceptive power of Satan and the deceitful heart allured away from Christ. If these young men and young women had considered the words of the apostle, “Ye are not your own, for ye are bought with a price,”(1 Corinthians 6:19, 20) they would not have felt at liberty to keep back from God that which He had purchased at an infinite cost. (5T 115.1) MC VC
There is not one youth in one hundred who feels his God-given responsibility. Every physical and mental capability should be carefully preserved and put to the best and highest use to advance the glory of God. Those youth who permit their powers to be perverted, thus abusing God’s gifts, will be called to strict account for the good they might have done had they availed themselves of the provision made through Jesus Christ. God claims the working of every faculty. (5T 115.2) MC VC
There are youth in the ----- church who should be cultivating the grace of Christian steadfastness and growing up to be men of faith. They should become firm, unwavering, rooted and grounded in the truth. The church needs the very help which God designed they should give. Those professing His name have not consecrated their powers fully and entirely to Him, but have yielded them, in a measure, to the service of Satan. Such have been, and still are, robbing God. Like the unfaithful steward to whom were entrusted talents, they have hid the gifts of God in the world. (5T 115.3) MC VC